There are many different types of Facebook posts that you can use to engage with your online community, but you don’t always have to use something directly related to your specific business. People enjoy connecting on Facebook, but too many “LOOK AT MY BUSINESS” posts will end up getting passed over or even worse, cause you to lose followers. (For more on this, see the “Six Social Media Mistakes” blog.) Remember to always keep your posts related to your business.

This is the most basic (and probably the most used) Facebook post. However, the biggest mistake people can make is putting too much information in their post. Keep your promotions to just a few sentences. If a specific promotion has too much information, it is usually best to create an event for your followers to get that information.

Fun Posts
Using Memes or Pinterest ideas can be useful for most business pages, but you should be careful. For example, A bakery would benefit from posting recipe ideas, but a law firm who posts funny memes regularly may instead be viewed as unprofessional.

News Articles
Showcasing your business when it has been featured in the news is great, but other news articles can also create engagement on your Facebook page. For example, an airline can post articles about the future of aviation or even vacation hotspots. Who knows? The reader may need your airline to book one of those awesome vacations.

Behind the Scenes
Your Facebook followers have “liked” you for a reason. They love to feel like they are a part of your company. Showing your followers a little insight as to what is going on in your business can be fun and engaging.

Videos: The possibilities are endless when it comes to video. From animation to how-tos, videos can be a great resource or a way to showcase a specific product. Because videos can take a little more time (and sometimes money) to make, try to create your videos so that they can be reposted regularly.

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