By Bethany Meadows

Anytime there is a significant change, you can also expect to see a shift in consumer behaviors. As a business owner, it is imperative that you keep your head up and be alert to how these shifts will impact your business, processes and plans.

Here are just eight things you may want to consider while marketing your business during the Covid Era.

1.       Stop saying we are in this together.

In their attempt to be “sensitive” to the crisis, many companies are receiving backlash for overusing this phrase especially when coupled with a sales pitch. To consumers who have heard it 1,000 times, it feels disingenuous. Display empathy and just be there to help. Think more comforting and less promotional.

2.       Communicate more often with increased value.

Now is a good time to build affinity with your customers and target audience by becoming a valuable resource. Up your social media game, add new channels and increase engagement. Take the opportunity to ask questions, listen and learn what’s important to your customers right now. Find out what they need and want to see from you.

3.       Create an online strategy.

Consumers are buying more online than ever before. Even post-Covid, this change in shopping habit will likely be increased. It’s time to think about how to connect in a growing virtual environment. Even companies which offer a service can create a “virtual” experience or consultation. Get creative! Take advantage of the fact there is no longer a status quo.

4.       Consider “touchless” products or service experiences.

Think about ways to provide self-service experiences – but also keep it personal. Focus on products that are most useful in a virtual world. Think about new products or services you can add – such as education, online processes or a new way of buying that you haven’t used before.

5.       Move away from price and product-focused messaging.

Focus more on building community, providing value and being a resource or thought leader. Avoid lifestyle imagery in the near future such as travel and social gatherings as these won’t seem relevant. Meet your customers where they are right now.

6.       Reach out to your customers.

As the owner or CEO, send a personal letter or email to your customers as an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of their needs and expectations. This shows that your company has a face and that you care about your community rather than just being seen as a faceless company.

7.       Get involved in the community.

Now more than ever, it is important for companies to find ways to have a “mission” beyond profit. For everyone this looks different depending on what you have to offer. Add a page to your website that provides a summary of the organizations you support whether that be financially or with resources. Invite your audience to support them as well.

8.       Start planning for post-Covid opportunities.

This too shall pass and when it does it will create yet another shift in the marketplace. Think about what this will mean for your company and start planning now so that you are ready to hit the ground running when things return to relative normalcy.

The world is changing fast and consumer behavior along with it. Remain flexible with your business and marketing plans. Review them often. Be creative and don’t be afraid to think bigger!

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